The tags 'mercyful fate' and 'king diamond' caught my eye, so I was braced for some soaring and diving vocals but I guess those tags refer to the general genre and the theatricality of the music.
From the titles, the album appears conceptual. The intro features atmospheric clean guitars an ominous rhythm and a gruff spoken intro from guest and influencer Steve Sylvester.
The production is excellent, the sound very clear, especially after purchase and receiving the full quality files. The music is old-school heavy metal, not quite thrash but leaning in that direction. The themes is horror / black metal. As I write this, three tracks are available but if you pre-order the album (from 4.99 Euro) you get those tracks now, with the other three to follow on 17 Nov.
Because it's always good to see the band (especially when they have Italian good looks) there's a video below. You can listen to all the available tracks (and buy for a very good price) on bandcamp: